What makes the PELP study programme unique is its interdisciplinary nature. Combining theory with practice, issues concerning politics, economics and law are addressed and scrutinised from a philosophical angle. This study programme can be taken wholly in English, as well as offered as a Double Degree in cooperation with Ruhr University Bochum.
In Graz, students have a wide range of courses to choose from, particularly on democracy and climate justice, while Bochum gives them the opportunity to specialise in moral and market-related issues. The focus is always on devising problem-solving strategies founded on norms.

Modules & Specialisation
The Master's programme PELP is interdisciplinary and deals with problems of practical philosophy with regard to the relationship between (normative) theory and (political-economic) practice. The programme contributes to research into social problems and students are taught to independently consider the conceptual and substantive connections between the disciplines of social sciences, law and economics.
- Market and morals: Central problems at the interface of economics and moral philosophy, business and corporate ethics as well as current problems of business ethics such as world poverty and migration, climate and energy ethics or ethics of the financial markets and discussion of the areas of politics and economics.
Degree & Career
As a graduate, you will be able to work in administration, politics, business, civil society and education. Potential career paths include teaching and research at (non-)university institutions, in administration and the public sector, in NGOs, in political parties and associations, at private companies, in the media or in political, ethical or general consulting.

Mobility & Participating Universities
Students choose one of these universities as their entrance university where they start and finish the programme. Students complete their mandatory mobility semester at the participating partner university.